Design Tips for Creating Unique Retail Store Signs

Design Tips for Creating Unique Retail Store Signs

Having uniquely designed retail store signs is an important part of creating a memorable and successful store. Not only does it make your store stand out from the competition, but it also helps to create a strong brand identity. In today’s blog post from Quick Change Display in Las Vegas, we are going to discuss four tips to help your custom retail store signs stand out. Read on to learn more.


Choose the Right Colors

Colors make a big difference when it comes to creating a memorable sign. Choose colors that reflect your brand’s personality and match your store’s overall design. Bright colors can draw attention to your store and give it a modern feel while bold colors are an excellent way to add a bit of a dramatic feel to the store.


Incorporate Graphics

Graphics are a great way to make your sign more eye-catching and unique. Consider incorporating logos, symbols, and images that reflect your store’s brand and products. This will help to make your sign stand out from the competition and create a stronger brand identity.


Make it Legible

This may sound like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how many stores choose unique aesthetics over legibility. Legibility is key when it comes to creating a successful sign. Make sure that the text is large enough to be easily read from a distance and that it stands out from the background and has good contrast.


Utilize Lighting

Adding lighting to your sign can make it stand out even more. Using spotlights or neon lights can create a dynamic look and make your store stand out from the rest.

Work With a Custom Sign Shop

If you’re looking for design tips for your retail store sign, start by working with a professional sign design team like the one at Quick Change Display. Our designers will work with you one-on-one and create a sign that perfectly aligns with your vision, brand, and goals. Reach out to our Las Vegas sign shop today to learn more!

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